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/ United Public Domain Gold 3 / United Public Domain Gold 3.iso / games / pg356.dms / pg356.adf / DIY-Inst.txt (.png) < prev    next >
ANSI Art File  |  1992-09-02  |  1KB  |  640x608  |  4-bit (4 colors)
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OCR: DIY GAME V.2 You begin the game being transported from your Galactic Mother Ship, 2 miles above the Zoik planet of Exadore, to the surface. Travel around the environment finding clues and solving puzzles, at all times avoiding detection by the Zoiks. Beware as they have a hi-tech system of "Infra Yellow" Security Cameras. Your mission is to find and retreive the documents, which depict plans of an assault on Earth by the alien Zoiks. Then return to the teleporter ASAP, as time is very short. Movements can be controlled either by the Mouse or the Keyboard, or a combination of the two. ( SEE KEY. txt ) There are more than 115 locations to visit GOOD LUCK ! MAIN CODE AND GRAPHICS : Dez Hoyle INSPIRATION AND IDEAS : Richard, Debbie, Trev GAME TESTING AND BUG HUNTING : (Beta testers) Richard Ho ...